Ausgabe 4/2022
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
Neuroendocrine neoplasms revisited—the challenges of reclassifying tumor
- editorial
Barbara Kiesewetter
Best of ASCO 2022—central nervous system tumors
- Open Access
- short review
Annette Leibetseder, Anna S. Berghoff
Essential news of current guidelines: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Open Access
- short review
Thorsten Fuereder
Current standards in the surgical treatment of pancreatic and small intestinal neuroendocrine tumors
- short review
Ulla Klaiber, Stefan Stättner
From morphology to molecular targets—the pathologist’s view in diagnosing gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
- Open Access
- short review
Hanna Henzinger, Iva Brcic
The NET G3 enigma: dealing with a “new” entity
- Open Access
- short review
Markus Raderer, Barbara Kiesewetter
Challenges in integrating molecular profiles into clinical cancer care
- Open Access
- short review
Stephan W. Jahn, Philipp J. Jost
Bilateral primary breast lymphoma in a pregnant woman: a case report and literature review
- case report
Hasan Cagri Yildirim, Arif Akyildiz, Rashad Ismayilov, Nartan Demirok, Burhan Sami Benli, Deniz Can Guven, Serkan Akin, Suayib Yalcin, Ibrahim Barista