Ausgabe 5-6/2024 Neurology/Psychiatry
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
Association between sex and Huntington’s disease: an updated review on symptomatology and prognosis of neurodegenerative disorders
- Review
Nimra Hasnain, Taha Bin Arif, Roha Shafaut, Faiza Zakaria, Syeda Zainab Fatima, Ibtehaj Ul Haque
Olfactory identification, cognition, depressive symptoms, and 5-year mortality in patients with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease
- Open Access
- original article
Gisela Pusswald, Blaz Dapić, Carina Bum, Eva Schernhammer, Elisabeth Stögmann, Johann Lehrner
Hemispherotomy in an infant with hemimegalencephaly and Ohtahara syndrome
- short communication
Katarina Pavičić Klancir, Dubravko Habek, Vlasta Đuranović, Ana Tripalo Batoš, Sanja Pejić Roško, Milan Stanojević
Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA): Übersetzung und kulturelle Anpassung an den deutschsprachigen Raum
- Open Access
- original article
Julia Silberbauer, Sonja Schidl, Gudrun Diermayr, Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch, Andrea Greisberger
Acute bilateral vision loss after endovascular treatment of an intracranial aneurysm
- case report
Ruben Mühl-Benninghaus, Frederik A. Fries, Wolfgang Reith, Philipp Hendrix, Berthold Seitz, Fabian N. Fries
Epidemiology, microbiology, and outcomes of infective endocarditis in a tertiary center in Jordan
- original article
Hanna K. Al-Makhamreh, Faris G. Al Bakri, Moayad Shaf’ei, Ensherah Mokheemer, Shahed Alqudah, Amani Nofal, Hanna Matarwah, Tala Basim Altarawneh, Ahmad A. Toubasi