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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 11-12/2014

Inhalt (14 Artikel)

Unilateral olfactory bulb volume loss due to arteriovenous malformation

  • images in clinical medicine

Muzaffer Saglam, Murat Salihoglu, Hakan Tekeli, Aytug Altundag

Use of self-retaining barbed sutures decreases cold ischemia time in open nephron-sparing surgery

  • original article

Ingrid Schauer, Oliver Theimer, Tobias Klatte, Matthias Waldert, Hans-Christoph Klingler, Markus Margreiter

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a frequent condition in type 2 diabetic patients

  • original article

Alexandra Sima, Romulus Timar, Adrian Vlad, Bogdan Timar, Mihaela Rosu, Isabel Dan, Roxana Sirli, Alina Popescu, Ioan Sporea

Evaluation of oxidant and antioxidant status and relation with prolidase in systemic sclerosis

  • original article

Esen Savas, Nur Aksoy, Yavuz Pehlivan, Zeynel Abidin Sayiner, Zeynel Abidin Öztürk, Suzan Tabur, Mustafa Örkmez, Ahmet Mesut Onat

Is a complete blood cell count useful in determining the prognosis of pulmonary embolism?

  • original article

Hadice Selimoglu Sen, Ozlem Abakay, Abdullah Cetin Tanrikulu, Cengizhan Sezgi, Mahsuk Taylan, Abdurrahman Abakay, Halide Kaya, Abdurrahman Senyigit

Differences of frequency in administration of ranibizumab and bevacizumab in patients with neovascular AMD

  • original article

Andreas Scholler, Sibylla Richter-Mueksch, Birgit Weingessel, Pia-Veronika Vécsei-Marlovits

Quality of care of rural rheumatoid arthritis patients in Austria

  • original article

Rudolf Puchner, Hans Peter Brezinschek, Manfred Herold, Thomas Nothnagl, Andrea Studnicka-Benke, Josef Fritz, Burkhard F. Leeb

Comparison of safety, efficacy and tolerability of Dexibuprofen and Ibuprofen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee

  • original article

Omid Zamani, Elke Böttcher, Jörg D. Rieger, Johann Mitterhuber, Reinhold Hawel, Sylvia Stallinger, Norbert Eller

Cold antibody autoimmune hemolytic anemia and lymphoproliferative disorders: a retrospective study of 20 patients including clinical, hematological, and molecular findings

  • original article

Cathrin Arthold, Cathrin Skrabs, Gerlinde Mitterbauer-Hohendanner, Renate Thalhammer, Ingrid Simonitsch-Klupp, Simon Panzer, Peter Valent, Klaus Lechner, Ulrich Jäger, Christian Sillaber

Evaluation of 6- and 12-month supervised exercise training on strength and endurance parameters in patients with peripheral arterial disease

  • original article

Magdalena Pilz, Elisabeth Kandioler-Honetz, Alfa Wenkstetten-Holub, Waltraud Doerrscheidt, Rudolf Mueller, Robert Wolfgang Kurz

Liver hepatotoxicity associated with pantoprazole: a rare case report

  • case report

Mehmet Aslan, Yilmaz Celik, Sevdegul Karadas, Sehmus Olmez, Adem Cifci

MedUni Wien Researcher of the Month, Juni 2014

  • MUW researcher of the month

Irma Schabussova

ÖGIM Fortbildungsveranstaltungen 2014

  • mitteilungen der gesellschaft


  • gesellschaft der ärzte in wien