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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 19-20/2012

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

  • editorial

Nuclear medicine and oncology

Peter Lind, Hans-Jürgen Gallowitsch

  • main topic

Nuclear medicine in NET

Manfred Sorschag, Phillip Malle, Hans-Jürgen Gallowitsch

  • main topic

FDG PET and FDG PET/CT in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours

Philipp Malle, Manfred Sorschag, Hans-Jürgen Gallowitsch

  • main topic

Radionuclide therapy beyond radioiodine

Michael Gabriel

  • case report

Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia—an incidental finding after surgical excision

Georgi Tchernev, Teodora Taneva, Julian Ananiev, José Carlos Cardoso, Maya Gulubova, Valentin Velev, Anatoli Karashmalakov, Liliya Zisova, Christoph C. Geilen

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