Ausgabe 13-14/2018
Oncology – Complementary Therapy and Rehabilitation
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
- review
Symptomatic treatment of dyspnea in advanced cancer patients
Matthäus Strieder, Martin Pecherstorfer, Gudrun Kreye
- themenschwerpunkt
Krebserkrankungen – Therapie am Lebensende: eine retrospektive Datenanalyse
Fabiola Fuchs, Martin Robausch
- original article
Long-term improvement of the bio-psycho-social state of cancer patients after 3 weeks of inpatient oncological rehabilitation
Johann Klocker, Ursula Klocker-Kaiser, Wolfgang Pipam, Dietmar Geissler
- review
Sustained attractiveness and natural youthful appearance by upper lip rejuvenation
Uwe Wollina, Alberto Goldman
- case report
Congenital fiber-type disproportion in an ambulatory rehabilitation setting
Stefano Palma, Mohammad Keilani, Tim Hasenoehrl, Clemens Ambrozy, Sara Dana, Thomas Sycha, Richard Crevenna