Ausgabe 3-4/2011
MAIN TOPIC: New Anticoagulants
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Editorial: Thrombosis prophylaxis with new anticoagulants: Routine and specific risk groups
Sibylle A. Kozek-Langenecker
Direct thrombin and factor Xa inhibitors in children: a quest for new anticoagulants for children
Werner Streif, Walter Ageno
Actovegin®: a biological drug for more than 5 decades
Florian Buchmayer, Johannes Pleiner, Martin W. Elmlinger, Gereon Lauer, Gerfried Nell, Harald H. Sitte
Österreichische Patienteninformationsmaterialien zu PSA-Screening entsprechen nicht internationalen evidenzbasierten Standards
Michaela Strobelberger, Angela Kaminski, Gerald Gartlehner
Short communication
Awareness and use of recommendations for withholding and withdrawing therapy in Austrian intensive care units
Christian J. Wiedermann, Michael Joannidis, Andreas Valentin
Erratum to: Ginkgo biloba in Alzheimer"s disease: a systematic review
Inger M. Janßen, Sibylle Sturtz, Guido Skipka, Annette Zentner, Marcial V. Garrido, Reinhard Busse