Correction to: Invest New Drugs (2018) 36:96–102

Fig. 1
figure 1

PFS for chemotherapy treatment naïve PDAC (n = 12). The solid line shows PFS. The hashed line shows the 95% CI (confidence interval) for the curve

Fig. 2
figure 2

OS for chemotherapy treatment naïve PDAC (n = 12). The solid line shows OS. The hashed line shows the 95% CI for the curve

The authors would like to note an error in Figures 1 and 2 of this paper. The graph in Figure 1 incorrectly reflected the overall survival (OS), when it should have displayed the progression-free survival (PFS). The caption and median PFS values were correct. It was also noted that the upper value for the 95% CI had an error in both figures. Both graphs have been regenerated using the published PFS and OS data presented in Table 2 and the corrected 95% CIs are included. These changes do not impact the overall results of the data or the conclusions presented in the publication. We sincerely apologize for this oversight.