Ausgabe 1-2/2006 Current Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Rheumatoid arthritis: a disease of chronic, low-amplitude signals transduced through T cell antigen receptors?
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Zhuoli Zhang, Claire Gorman, Joanna M. Clark, Andrew P. Cope
The role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the inflammatory immune response and rheumatoid arthritis
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Leilani L. Santos, Eric F. Morand
The pivotal nature of sugars in normal physiology and disease
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Azita Alavi, John S. Axford
Rheumatoid arthritis: links with cardiovascular disease and the receptor for advanced glycation end products
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Lisa Carroll, Suad Hannawi, Thomas Marwick, Ranjeny Thomas
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the 21st century: targeting B-lymphocytes
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Hans-Peter Brezinschek, Kerstin Brickmann, Babak Yazdani-Biuki, Thomas Dörner, Winfried B. Graninger, Ruth I. Brezinschek