Ausgabe 15-16/2022 Psychosomatic medicine
Inhalt (8 Artikel)
The lived body (Der Leib) as a diagnostic and therapeutic instrument in general practice
- Open Access
- main topic
Wolf Axel Langewitz
Development of a visual tool to assess six dimensions of health and its validation in patients with endocrine disorders
- Open Access
- main topic
Christian Fazekas, Dennis Linder, Franziska Matzer, Christian Vajda, Alexander Avian, Verena Theiler-Schwetz, Christian Trummer, Julia Došen, Jelena Rokvic, Marco Mohl, Stefan Pilz
Interoceptive awareness and self-regulation contribute to psychosomatic competence as measured by a new inventory
- Open Access
- original article
Christian Fazekas, Alexander Avian, Rita Noehrer, Franziska Matzer, Christian Vajda, Hans Hannich, Aljoscha Neubauer
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based supportive psychotherapy on posttraumatic growth, resilience, and self-compassion in cancer patients
- original article
Fatemeh Faghani, Azadeh Choobforoushzadeh, Mohammad Reza Sharbafchi, Hanieh Poursheikhali
Assessment of personality functioning in psychosomatic medicine
- Open Access
- review article
Jolana Wagner-Skacel, Franziska Matzer, Alexandra Kohlhammer-Dohr, Nina Dalkner, Emanuel Jauk
MUW researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien