Ausgabe 23-24/2023
Inhalt (11 Artikel)
Sex differences in the management and outcome of acute coronary syndrome—Still an issue of equal treatment?
- Open Access
- review article
Roya Anahita Mousavi, Gudrun Lamm, Maximilian Will, Konstantin Schwarz, Julia Mascherbauer
The relationship of diagonal earlobe crease (Frank’s sign) and obstructive coronary artery disease in patients undergoing coronary angiography
- original article
Branka Gakovic, Sofija Aleksandra Neskovic, Ivona Vranic, Katarina Grujicic, Stefan Mijatovic, Aleksandra Ljubojevic, Ivan Stankovic
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction with immediate combination therapy of statin and ezetimibe compared to statin monotherapy after percutaneous coronary intervention
- original article
Achim Leo Burger, Nora Beran, Edita Pogran, Christoph C. Kaufmann, David Zweiker, Marie Muthspiel, Benjamin Panzer, Bernhard Jäger, Miklos Rohla, Kurt Huber
Integrating avatar technology into a telemedicine application in heart failure patients
- Open Access
- short report
Arno Joachim Gingele, Hesam Amin, Aniek Vaassen, Ivana Schnur, Cathy Pearl, Hans-Peter Brunner-La Rocca, Josiane Boyne
Hypertensive response to exercise, hypertension and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)—a continuum of disease?
- Open Access
- review article
Patrick Wiech, Laura Würzburger, Valentina A. Rossi, Stefano Caselli, Christian M. Schmied, David Niederseer
Frailty as a predictor of mortality and readmission rate in secondary mitral regurgitation
- Open Access
- original article
Robert Uzel, Richard Rezar, Raphael Romano Bruno, Sarah Wernly, Christian Jung, Georg Delle Karth, Christian Datz, Friedrich Hoppichler, Bernhard Wernly
Minimally invasive surgical aortic valve replacement versus transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation in low-risk octogenarians
- original article
Tadeja Kolar, Matjaž Bunc, Matija Jelenc, Simon Terseglav, Aleša Kotnik, Nikola Lakič
Ultrasound utilization for implantation of cardiac implantable electronic devices
- Open Access
- review article
Muhtashim Mian, Habib Rehman Khan
MUW researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
MUW researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
Die Wiener Medizin und der akademische Antisemitismus
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien