Ausgabe 2/2014
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Short Communication
Antibiotic resistance: a long term, serious problem…getting worse. Thoughts on the future of surgery in a post-antibiotic era
D. Loughran, J. Harrison
Original Article
Inguinoscrotal herniation of bladder: case series and literature review
T.-H. Lee, C.-N. Huang, S.-P. Huang, T.-Y. Huang, M.-Y. Jang, J.-T. Shen, W.-J. Wu, Y.-S. Juan
Case Report
Detection of rare variant of “circumaortic venous collar” during infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair: case report and literature review
Francesco De Santis, Gabriele Mani, Guido Martini, Mathias Colangelo, Norma Decaminada
Case Report
Esophageal schwannoma: report of a case and review of the literature
K. Dalcı, O. Yalav, A. Rencuzogulları, I. C. Eray, C. Ozcelik, F. Doran
Short Communication
Selected commentary to review on novel concepts of columnar lined esophagus
L. Bonavina