Ausgabe 6/2021
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
- Open Access
- case report
Modified phacoemulsification in oculocutaneous albinism to reduce photophobia
Zoltán Sohajda, Noémi Széll, Judit Hayfron, Andrea Facskó
- original article
Biometric changes of the crystalline lens during accommodation
Nino Hirnschall, Barbara Kiss, Ayfer Guer, Oliver Findl
- original article
Intraoperative Komplikationen während Kataraktoperationen bei Patienten ab 90 Jahren
Dušica Pahor, Tomaž Gračner
- Open Access
- original article
Surgically induced astigmatism and coupling effect-mediated keratometric changes after conventional phacoemulsification cataract surgery
Reinhard Angermann, Christoph Palme, Philipp Segnitz, Andreas Dimmer, Eduard Schmid, Markus Hofer, Bernhard Steger
- original article
Comparison of posterior capsule opacification rates between femto-second laser-assisted and micro-incision cataract surgery over 24 months
Mark Rabinovich, Laëtitia Jessy Niegowski, Jerome Bovet, Ana Aramburu del Boz, Jean-Marc Baumgartner, Kevin Gillmann
- review
Zur Bestimmung der Intraokularlinsenstärke: Von Ridleys „Lenticulus“ bis zur ersten theoretisch-optischen Formel durch Gernet, Ostholt und Werner
Kristian Gerstmeyer, Sibylle Scholtz, Timo Eppig, Frank Krogmann, Achim Langenbucher