DOI: 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 05 · Volume 31 · September 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-6319

Original Paper

Broich, K.; Grünwald, F.; Kasper, S.; Klemm, E.; Biersack, H.-J.; Möller, H.-J.: D2-Dopamine Receptor Occupancy measured by IBZM-SPECT in Relation to Extrapyramidal Side Effects
Möller, H.-J.; Gallinat, J.; Hegerl, U.; Arató, M.; Janka, Z.; Pflug, B.; Bauer, H.: Double-Blind, Multicenter Comparative Study of Sertraline and Amitriptyline in Hospitalized Patients with Major Depression

Short Communication

Härtter, S.; Wetzel, H.; Hammes, Elke; Torkzadeh, M.; Hiemke, C.: Serum Concentrations of Fluvoxamine and Clinical Effects: A prospective open clinical trial