Ausgabe 4/2020
Inhalt (25 Artikel)
Homologous recombination deficiency: New biomarkers in innovative treatments
- editorial
Christian F. Singer
Treating head and neck cancer—A multidisciplinary effort
- editorial
Gabriele Gamerith, Thorsten Fuereder
Homologous recombination deficiency in epithelial ovarian cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Thomas Bartl, Valentina Paspalj, Christoph Grimm
Homologous repair deficiencies and current insights in clinical evaluation of PARP inhibitors in prostate cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Maximilian Marhold, Thaïs Topakian
Homologous recombination deficiency in breast cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Thomas Bartl, Alex Farr
Tackling DNA damage repair mechanisms—a promising molecular informed therapeutic approach in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
- short review
Bernhard Doleschal
Transoral robotic surgery in head and neck cancer
- short review
Andreas Strobl, Maximilian Hartl, Martin Burian
Established treatment concepts for recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M HNSSC)
- short review
Marcel Kloppenburg, Finn Mildner, Maria Theresia Kasseroler, Daniel Dejaco, Arno Amann
Systemic therapy for metastatic salivary gland tumors—challenges and novel concepts
- Open Access
- short review
Christoph Minichsdorfer
Nutritional management during treatment for head and neck cancer
- Open Access
- short review
Christina Wagner
Fertility preservation procedures in girls, adolescents and women
- Open Access
- short review
Bettina Böttcher, Maren Goeckenjan
Ovarian transposition
- Open Access
- short review
Elisabeth Reiser, Bettina Böttcher, Danijela Minasch, Julian Mangesius, Bettina Toth
Future perspectives of fertility preservation in women
- Open Access
- short review
Bettina Böttcher, Katharina Winkler-Crepaz
Fertility preservation in women with endometrial cancer
- review
Helena Bralo, Maria Roethlisberger, Kazem Nouri
Patient selection for cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in colorectal cancer
- short review
Philipp Horvath, Ingmar Königsrainer
Do we still need CRS and HIPEC in colorectal cancer in times of modern chemotherapy and immunotherapy?
- Open Access
- short review
Elisabeth Gasser, Pamela Kogler, Andreas Lorenz, Reinhold Kafka-Ritsch, Dietmar Öfner, Alexander Perathoner
Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in colorectal cancer—did we get hold of the wrong end of the stick?
- Open Access
- short review
Can Yurttas, Oliver M. Fisher, Delia Cortés-Guiral, Sebastian P. Haen, Ingmar Königsrainer, Alfred Königsrainer, Stefan Beckert, Winston Liauw, Markus W. Löffler
Molecular profiling in gastroesophageal cancer—clinical routine and future perspective
- Open Access
- short review
Hannah Christina Puhr, Aysegül Ilhan-Mutlu
Molecular profiling in breast cancer—ready for clinical routine?
- Open Access
- short review
Kristina A. Tendl, Zsuzsanna Bago-Horvath
Position statement of the Austrian Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology on the use of molecular diagnostics in solid tumors
- consensus report
Gerald Prager, Armin Gerger, Gerald Höfler, Gerald Webersinke, Holger Rumpold, Thomas Winder, Rupert Bartsch, Matthias Preusser, Wolfgang Eisterer
A case report on the long-term survival of a patient with HER2-positive metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma and a short review of the current literature
- Open Access
- case report
Hannah Christina Puhr, Aysegül Ilhan-Mutlu