Ausgabe 3/2019
Inhalt (24 Artikel)
Highlights on chronic lymphocytic leukemia presented at the 2018 American Society of Hematology Meeting
- special report
Daniel Heintel
ASH 2018—Highlights in Multiple Myeloma
- Open Access
- short review
Georg Jeryczynski, Maria-Theresa Krauth
Immunosuppression after renal transplantation
- Open Access
- review
Hannes Neuwirt, Michael Rudnicki, Peter Schratzberger, Markus Pirklbauer, Andreas Kronbichler, Gert Mayer
Skin tumours in organ transplant recipients—implications for the plastic surgeon
- short review
Johanna Krapf, Gerhard Pierer
Risk of cancer after long-term therapy of autoimmune disorders with glucocorticoids or DMARDs—a controversial issue
- Open Access
- short review
Jakob D. Rudzki
Cutaneous melanoma—The benefit of screening and preventive measures
- short review
Magdalena Seidl-Philipp, Van Anh Nguyen
Colorectal cancer screening and prevention—pros and cons
- Open Access
- short review
Markus Niederreiter, Lukas Niederreiter, Andreas Schmiderer, Herbert Tilg, Angela Djanani
Checkpoint inhibitors in head and neck cancer
- short review
Ilson Sepulveda, Rodrigo Ascui, A. Andrés Capizzano
Systemic treatment of metastatic breast cancer: SABCS 2018
- Open Access
- short review
Theresa Westphal, Simon Peter Gampenrieder, Richard Greil
Post San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2018
- Open Access
- Onkologie und Hämatologie
- short review
Ruth Exner
Post San Antonio: immunotherapy, chemotherapy and new combinations
- short review
Karl Mayrhofer, Kathrin Strasser-Weippl
Cure is not enough! Why it is time to act and close the gap
- short review
Carina Schneider, Jaap den Hartogh, Katharina Feckter, Zuzana Tomášiková, Anita Kienesberger
A wearable cardioverter defibrillator for prevention of sudden cardiac death in a hematologic patient—a case report
- Open Access
- case report
Stefan Hatzl, Hildegard T. Greinix, Philipp Kreuzer, Eduard Schulz, Peter Neumeister, Daniel Scherr
Immunotherapeutic approach to a case of advanced hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the lung
- Open Access
- case report
Anthony El Khoury, Marc El Khoury, Russel De Luca
Head and neck Langerhans cell histiocytosis: two case reports and review of the literature
- case report
Ilson Sepúlveda, Ignacio Mendoza, Romina Novoa, Geraldine Ayres, Nadia Inostroza, J Patricio Ulloa, Francisco Rivas-Rodriguez