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European Surgery

Ausgabe 5/2017

Inhalt (8 Artikel)

Surgery and quantum physics

  • Editorial

F. M. Riegler

Notch and its oncogenic activity in human malignancies

  • Open Access
  • review

Marlena Brzozowa-Zasada, Adam Piecuch, Marek Michalski, Oliwia Segiet, Józef Kurek, Marzena Harabin-Słowińska, Romuald Wojnicz

Preoperative diagnosis of hiatal hernia: barium swallow X-ray, high-resolution manometry, or endoscopy?

  • Open Access
  • original scientific paper

Michael Weitzendorfer, Gernot Köhler, Stavros A. Antoniou, Leo Pallwein-Prettner, Lisa Manzenreiter, Philipp Schredl, Klaus Emmanuel, Oliver Owen Koch

Effects of teduglutide on histological parameters of intestinal anastomotic healing

  • original article

Beatriz P. Costa, Maria A. Cipriano, Ana C. Gonçalves, Ana M. Abrantes, Paulo Matafome, Raquel Seiça, Ana B. Sarmento-Ribeiro, M. Filomena Botelho, Francisco Castro-Sousa

Multimodality locoregional treatment strategies for bridging HCC patients before liver transplantation

  • Open Access
  • original scientific paper

Georg P. Györi, D. Moritz Felsenreich, Gerd R. Silberhumer, Thomas Soliman, Gabriela A. Berlakovich

A rare case of Calot’s triangle paraganglioma

  • case report

Alberto Oldani, Renzo Boldorini, Paolo Spina, Sergio Gentilli